available even if only a few patients could benefit from it. In short, the risk is so low that prohibit the use waiting to evaluate it does not make sense." Excludes that have toxic effects? "I have never found proof, nor have you ever recorded a case of death by overdose from marijuana. In the entire pharmacopoeia you can not say the same of any other drug. It is certainly less toxic most of the medicines. Take aspirin: is considered safe and little harmful, and yet in the United States each year from 1,000 to 2,000 people die for swallowing and 74 thousand are hospitalized for side effects of anti-inflammatory. In fact, what worries most is the respiratory damage from the smoke, but this can be solved by resorting to devices for vaporization which separate the particles of matter present in the smoke of marijuana by its active principles, cannabinoids". In 2006 the British government has approved the sale of the Sativex, drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. She however is a supporter of greater effectiveness of hemp smoked with respect to the synthetic derivatives. Why? "The development of single cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, is the way in which an attempt is made to resolve the problem of making available the medical properties of cannabis and at the same time a ban to who makes a playful use. This "farmaceutizzazione" however does not render ever obsolete the smoked cannabis. Let us take the case of the dronabinol, approved in 1985 by the Food and Drug Administration with the name of Marinol, for the treatment of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy: Most patients continued to find much more useful the grass. In fact, for certain patients some derivatives of cannabis may have advantages over the smoked marijuana or ingested. For example, the cannabidiol can be more effective as anxiolytic drug and as anticonvulsant when is not taken together to THC, that sometimes generates anxiety. But I do not believe that these derivatives can be more useful of cannabis". What is the rule with the dosage? "The advantage of administration of cannabis through the lungs is the rapidity with which it takes effect, which allows patients to calibrate the dose. This is not possible by taking cannabis in pills: it takes more time because the therapeutic effect is manifested. With the Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals are trying to develop products and systems of administration that would bypass the two most common concerns: the smoke and the effects psychoactive (the so-called "high"). The drug must assume for sublingual administration, and although it acts faster than Marinol, which takes an hour and a half to two hours, always requires more time than that of smoked marijuana. In addition, given its unpleasant flavor, many patients do not may keep under the language for the time necessary to its absorption". And with regard to the safety? "In effect, the new derivatives may be much less sure of marijuana to smoke, because it will be possible to ingerirne quan- A Conference of Democratic Member Maurice Hinchey in favor of therapeutic marijuhana, Washington, May 2005. Titativi higher than needed. Any new derivative must have a "safety index acceptable". In the case of marijuana this index is unknown because it has never caused a death by overdose. It is estimated on the basis of extrapolations from animal data, which is an almost non-existent 20.000-40.000 [This digit indicates the ratio between the lethal dose and the therapeutic dose: more is high, the more the drug is considered safe, ndr.]. It is unlikely that the index of safety of a new derivative could be higher ". But you can not delete the effects psychoactive? "I am not convinced that the therapeutic benefits of hemp can always be separated from its psychoactive effects. I do not believe that this is desirable. There is to say that anyone who smokes cannabis frequently to reduce a chronic pain or a high intra-ocular pressure will have a "high" very limited or non-existent. Many patients suffering from serious chronic diseases report that cannabis makes them feel better in general and notice a slight improvement of mood. But if there really is some difference in dosage between the alleviation of symptoms and the effect psicoattivo, then it is important that patients have the possibility of dosing the amount of cannabis they need, and this is only possible by smoking it. For those who do not like the effect psicoattivo, you can always develop a derivative of cannabis without them". She also speaks of a field enhancement of human faculty. What are you referring to? "This is a field of action of cannabis that lies between the doctor and the playful. It comprises a series of disparate uses, such as the strengthening of pleasure in a multiplicity of activities ranging from food to sex, an enhanced ability to approach music and art, and also the ways in which catalyzes the new ideas and creativity. This is the kind of uses less appreciated or understood by those who do not smoke. It may also be possible that some people who use or have used marijuana are not aware of some of these possibilities of strengthening, if not the majority. This may be especially true for young people who are mostly interested in substance because it promotes the sociability, fun, playfulness. All are aware of the properties psicofarmacologicamente induced, such as increased appetite. It is a very common and manifests itself with the "nibble": can be a problem for consumers frequent who available even if only a few patients could benefit from it. In short, the risk is so low that prohibit the use waiting to evaluate it does not make sense." Excludes that have toxic effects? "I have never found proof, nor have you ever recorded a case of death by overdose from marijuana. In the entire pharmacopoeia you can not say the same of any other drug. It is certainly less toxic most of the medicines. Take aspirin: is considered safe and little harmful, and yet in the United States each year from 1,000 to 2,000 people die for swallowing and 74 thousand are hospitalized for side effects of anti-inflammatory. In fact, what worries most is the respiratory damage from the smoke, but this can be solved by resorting to devices for vaporization which separate the particles of matter present in the smoke of marijuana by its active principles, cannabinoids". In 2006 the British government has approved the sale of the Sativex, drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. She however is a supporter of greater effectiveness of hemp smoked with respect to the synthetic derivatives. Why? "The development of single cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, is the way in which an attempt is made to resolve the problem of making available the medical properties of cannabis and at the same time a ban to who makes a playful use. This "farmaceutizzazione" however does not render ever obsolete the smoked cannabis. Let us take the case of the dronabinol, approved in 1985 by the Food and Drug Administration with the name of Marinol, for the treatment of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy: Most patients continued to find much more useful the grass. In fact, for certain patients some derivatives of cannabis may have advantages over the smoked marijuana or ingested. For example, the cannabidiol can be more effective as anxiolytic drug and as anticonvulsant when is not taken together to THC, that sometimes generates anxiety. But I do not believe that these derivatives can be more useful of cannabis". What is the rule with the dosage? "The advantage of administration of cannabis through the lungs is the rapidity with which it takes effect, which allows patients to calibrate the dose. This is not possible by taking cannabis in pills: it takes more time because the therapeutic effect is manifested. With the Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals are trying to develop products and systems of administration that would bypass the two most common concerns: the smoke and the effects psychoactive (the so-called "high"). The drug must assume for sublingual administration, and although it acts faster than Marinol, which takes an hour and a half to two hours, always requires more time than that of smoked marijuana. In addition, given its unpleasant flavor, many patients do not may keep under the language for the time necessary to its absorption". And with regard to the safety? "In effect, the new derivatives may be much less sure of marijuana to smoke, because it will be possible to ingerirne quan- A Conference of Democratic Member Maurice Hinchey in favor of therapeutic marijuhana, Washington, May 2005. Titativi higher than needed. Any new derivative must have a "safety index acceptable". In the case of marijuana this index is unknown because it has never caused a death by overdose. It is estimated on the basis of extrapolations from animal data, which is an almost non-existent 20.000-40.000 [This digit indicates the ratio between the lethal dose and the therapeutic dose: more is high, the more the drug is considered safe, ndr.]. It is unlikely that the index of safety of a new derivative could be higher ". But you can not delete the effects psychoactive? "I am not convinced that the therapeutic benefits of hemp can always be separated from its psychoactive effects. I do not believe that this is desirable. There is to say that anyone who smokes cannabis frequently to reduce a chronic pain or a high intra-ocular pressure will have a "high" very limited or non-existent. Many patients suffering from serious chronic diseases report that cannabis makes them feel better in general and notice a slight improvement of mood. But if there really is some difference in dosage between the alleviation of symptoms and the effect psicoattivo, then it is important that patients have the possibility of dosing the amount of cannabis they need, and this is only possible by smoking it. For those who do not like the effect psicoattivo, you can always develop a derivative of cannabis without them". She also speaks of a field enhancement of human faculty. What are you referring to? "This is a field of action of cannabis that lies between the doctor and the playful. It comprises a series of disparate uses, such as the strengthening of pleasure in a multiplicity of activities ranging from food to sex, an enhanced ability to approach music and art, and also the ways in which catalyzes the new ideas and creativity. This is the kind of uses less appreciated or understood by those who do not smoke. It may also be possible that some people who use or have used marijuana are not aware of some of these possibilities of strengthening, if not the majority. This may be especially true for young people who are mostly interested in substance because it promotes the sociability, fun, playfulness. All are aware of the properties psicofarmacologicamente induced, such as increased appetite. It is a very common and manifests itself with the "nibble": can be a problem for consumers frequent who available even if only a few patients could benefit from it. In short, the risk is so low that prohibit the use waiting to evaluate it does not make sense." Excludes that have toxic effects? "I have never found proof, nor have you ever recorded a case of death by overdose from marijuana. In the entire pharmacopoeia you can not say the same of any other drug. It is certainly less toxic most of the medicines. Take aspirin: is considered safe and little harmful, and yet in the United States each year from 1,000 to 2,000 people die for swallowing and 74 thousand are hospitalized for side effects of anti-inflammatory. In fact, what worries most is the respiratory damage from the smoke, but this can be solved by resorting to devices for vaporization which separate the particles of matter present in the smoke of marijuana by its active principles, cannabinoids". In 2006 the British government has approved the sale of the Sativex, drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. She however is a supporter of greater effectiveness of hemp smoked with respect to the synthetic derivatives. Why? "The development of single cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, is the way in which an attempt is made to resolve the problem of making available the medical properties of cannabis and at the same time a ban to who makes a playful use. This "farmaceutizzazione" however does not render ever obsolete the smoked cannabis. Let us take the case of the dronabinol, approved in 1985 by the Food and Drug Administration with the name of Marinol, for the treatment of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy: Most patients continued to find much more useful the grass. In fact, for certain patients some derivatives of cannabis may have advantages over the smoked marijuana or ingested. For example, the cannabidiol can be more effective as anxiolytic drug and as anticonvulsant when is not taken together to THC, that sometimes generates anxiety. But I do not believe that these derivatives can be more useful of cannabis". What is the rule with the dosage? "The advantage of administration of cannabis through the lungs is the rapidity with which it takes effect, which allows patients to calibrate the dose. This is not possible by taking cannabis in pills: it takes more time because the therapeutic effect is manifested. With the Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals are trying to develop products and systems of administration that would bypass the two most common concerns: the smoke and the effects psychoactive (the so-called "high"). The drug must assume for sublingual administration, and although it acts faster than Marinol, which takes an hour and a half to two hours, always requires more time than that of smoked marijuana. In addition, given its unpleasant flavor, many patients do not may keep under the language for the time necessary to its absorption". And with regard to the safety? "In effect, the new derivatives may be much less sure of marijuana to smoke, because it will be possible to ingerirne quan- A Conference of Democratic Member Maurice Hinchey in favor of therapeutic marijuhana, Washington, May 2005. Titativi higher than needed. Any new derivative must have a "safety index acceptable". In the case of marijuana this index is unknown because it has never caused a death by overdose. It is estimated on the basis of extrapolations from animal data, which is an almost non-existent 20.000-40.000 [This digit indicates the ratio between the lethal dose and the therapeutic dose: more is high, the more the drug is considered safe, ndr.]. It is unlikely that the index of safety of a new derivative could be higher ". But you can not delete the effects psychoactive? "I am not convinced that the therapeutic benefits of hemp can always be separated from its psychoactive effects. I do not believe that this is desirable. There is to say that anyone who smokes cannabis frequently to reduce a chronic pain or a high intra-ocular pressure will have a "high" very limited or non-existent. Many patients suffering from serious chronic diseases report that cannabis makes them feel better in general and notice a slight improvement of mood. But if there really is some difference in dosage between the alleviation of symptoms and the effect psicoattivo, then it is important that patients have the possibility of dosing the amount of cannabis they need, and this is only possible by smoking it. For those who do not like the effect psicoattivo, you can always develop a derivative of cannabis without them". She also speaks of a field enhancement of human faculty. What are you referring to? "This is a field of action of cannabis that lies between the doctor and the playful. It comprises a series of disparate uses, such as the strengthening of pleasure in a multiplicity of activities ranging from food to sex, an enhanced ability to approach music and art, and also the ways in which catalyzes the new ideas and creativity. This is the kind of uses less appreciated or understood by those who do not smoke. It may also be possible that some people who use or have used marijuana are not aware of some of these possibilities of strengthening, if not the majority. This may be especially true for young people who are mostly interested in substance because it promotes the sociability, fun, playfulness. All are aware of the properties psicofarmacologicamente induced, such as increased appetite. It is a very common and manifests itself with the "nibble": can be a problem for consumers frequent who available even if only a few patients could benefit from it. In short, the risk is so low that prohibit the use waiting to evaluate it does not make sense." Excludes that have toxic effects? "I have never found proof, nor have you ever recorded a case of death by overdose from marijuana. In the entire pharmacopoeia you can not say the same of any other drug. It is certainly less toxic most of the medicines. Take aspirin: is considered safe and little harmful, and yet in the United States each year from 1,000 to 2,000 people die for swallowing and 74 thousand are hospitalized for side effects of anti-inflammatory. In fact, what worries most is the respiratory damage from the smoke, but this can be solved by resorting to devices for vaporization which separate the particles of matter present in the smoke of marijuana by its active principles, cannabinoids". In 2006 the British government has approved the sale of the Sativex, drug for the treatment of neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. She however is a supporter of greater effectiveness of hemp smoked with respect to the synthetic derivatives. Why? "The development of single cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, is the way in which an attempt is made to resolve the problem of making available the medical properties of cannabis and at the same time a ban to who makes a playful use. This "farmaceutizzazione" however does not render ever obsolete the smoked cannabis. Let us take the case of the dronabinol, approved in 1985 by the Food and Drug Administration with the name of Marinol, for the treatment of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy: Most patients continued to find much more useful the grass. In fact, for certain patients some derivatives of cannabis may have advantages over the smoked marijuana or ingested. For example, the cannabidiol can be more effective as anxiolytic drug and as anticonvulsant when is not taken together to THC, that sometimes generates anxiety. But I do not believe that these derivatives can be more useful of cannabis". What is the rule with the dosage? "The advantage of administration of cannabis through the lungs is the rapidity with which it takes effect, which allows patients to calibrate the dose. This is not possible by taking cannabis in pills: it takes more time because the therapeutic effect is manifested. With the Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals are trying to develop products and systems of administration that would bypass the two most common concerns: the smoke and the effects psychoactive (the so-called "high"). The drug must assume for sublingual administration, and although it acts faster than Marinol, which takes an hour and a half to two hours, always requires more time than that of smoked marijuana. In addition, given its unpleasant flavor, many patients do not may keep under the language for the time necessary to its absorption". And with regard to the safety? "In effect, the new derivatives may be much less sure of marijuana to smoke, because it will be possible to ingerirne quan- A Conference of Democratic Member Maurice Hinchey in favor of therapeutic marijuhana, Washington, May 2005. Titativi higher than needed. Any new derivative must have a "safety index acceptable". In the case of marijuana this index is unknown because it has never caused a death by overdose. It is estimated on the basis of extrapolations from animal data, which is an almost non-existent 20.000-40.000 [This digit indicates the ratio between the lethal dose and the therapeutic dose: more is high, the more the drug is considered safe, ndr.]. It is unlikely that the index of safety of a new derivative could be higher ". But you can not delete the effects psychoactive? "I am not convinced that the therapeutic benefits of hemp can always be separated from its psychoactive effects. I do not believe that this is desirable. There is to say that anyone who smokes cannabis frequently to reduce a chronic pain or a high intra-ocular pressure will have a "high" very limited or non-existent. Many patients suffering from serious chronic diseases report that cannabis makes them feel better in general and notice a slight improvement of mood. But if there really is some difference in dosage between the alleviation of symptoms and the effect psicoattivo, then it is important that patients have the possibility of dosing the amount of cannabis they need, and this is only possible by smoking it. For those who do not like the effect psicoattivo, you can always develop a derivative of cannabis without them". She also speaks of a field enhancement of human faculty. What are you referring to? "This is a field of action of cannabis that lies between the doctor and the playful. It comprises a series of disparate uses, such as the strengthening of pleasure in a multiplicity of activities ranging from food to sex, an enhanced ability to approach music and art, and also the ways in which catalyzes the new ideas and creativity. This is the kind of uses less appreciated or understood by those who do not smoke. It may also be possible that some people who use or have used marijuana are not aware of some of these possibilities of strengthening, if not the majority. This may be especially true for young people who are mostly interested in substance because it promotes the sociability, fun, playfulness. All are aware of the properties psicofarmacologicamente induced, such as increased appetite. It is a very common and manifests itself with the "nibble": can be a problem for consumers frequent who